You put all this work into your research, now it's time to share it! There are many benefits for sharing your research.
- It's a great way to stand out when applying to med school, grad school, scholarships, or jobs
- You'll contribute to a more just society with valuable research on an underserved population. You may even inspire a larger research study on your research question.
- It's an opportunity to grow academically and professionally while making an impact in the field of psychology.
Publication and Presentation Options
- Festival of Scholars: Each Spring, XULA puts on a Festival of Scholars. You can apply to present or have a poster of your research.
- XULAneXUS: XULA's very own peer-reviewed journal for student work.
- XULA's Digital Commons: An more informal way to publish in XULA's Digital Repository. You'll need to create an account to submit.
- Journal of Undergraduate Research (JUR): Peer-reviewed journal registered with the Library of Congress
- American Journal of Undergraduate Research (AJUR): Peer-reviewed, open-source multidisciplinary research journal indexed by EBSCO and Crossref.
- Butler Journal of Undergraduate Research: Undergraduate research journal published yearly without a peer-review process.
- And more!: Request a Research Consultation appointment to discuss other options.
Get Literature Search, Publication, or Presentation Help!
Librarians are here to help! You can email me or submit a research consultation request below. Librarians can help you with conducting your literature search, formatting in APA, refining your research question, finding tests/measures, or preparing for publication.