The Black Panther Party's understanding of health as a basic human right and its engagement with the social implications of genetics anticipated current debates about the politics of health and race.
Authoritative information with the goal of providing optimal outcomes and ultimately health equity for all.
The Census remains critical to the health of children because it determines the distribution of federal funding for health.
This page from the World Health Organization contains fact sheets and data on the social aspects of health disparities.
While you will find many resources in SocIndex on the topic, you may be better off looking for information on health disparities within the medical literature. Try these databases and be sure to use the search strategies found after the databases.
Produced by the National Library of Medicine, this database covers a variety of health fields as well as other areas as they as they relate to medicine and health care.
This interdisciplinary databases produces good results when looking for information about health disparity that you may not find in other places.
This database allows you to search the core literature in the field of public health.
An asterisk ( Shift+8 to get *) after a series of letters tells the search to provide results that match the letters you typed along with any word ending as long as it is part of the same word. Keep in mind that this may not always work the way you expect! Applications for this could be:
Base plus * | Sample of Possible matches |
health* | health, healthy, healthcare, healthiest |
inequ* | inequity, inequality |
Placing quotes around two or more words tells the search to provide results with those words in that exact order with only one space between them. This is especially helpful when words have meanings separately that are changed when combined or are given a more specific meaning when used in conjunction. Some examples are:
The word "or" means something very different to databases, and might be helpful when searching for similar concepts that either don't all start with the same letters or has too many irrelevant matches. It can be combines with other search strategies as well.
Instead of just... | Try... |
"health disparities" | "health* disparities" OR "health* equity" OR "health* equality" OR "health ineq*" OR "health access inequ*" OR "social determinants of health" |
health* | "public health*" OR "health* access" OR "medical services" OR "health status" |