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Documenting COVID-19

Collecting project by the Archives and Special Collections to record and preserve COVID-19 experiences of the Xavier community.

Submit Materials

How to Submit 

Contact and we will follow up with the submission process. 

You'll need to submit your name (though there is an option to submit anonymously) and email address. You will also need to let us know if you are the sole creator of the items or if you have co-creators who will also need to fill out a submission form. In addition, you'll need to sign off on submission agreements, acknowledgment of persons featured, a personal health information agreement, and information collection.

There is also an option to let us know your pronouns, your Xavier affiliation, and whether or not you'd like to be contacted in the future for an oral history interview conducted by the Archives and Special Collections. 

The more information you provide about an item the better! For example, if you submit a photograph of empty shelves at a grocery store, let us know when you took that photo, what city/state it was in, what grocery store it was in, and what section of the store it was in (ie cleaning supplies, dairy, produce). You can also even include what you went shopping for when that picture was taken and if you were able to purchase everything you needed. Providing context for submitted items is always welcome!

All submissions will be subject to approval by the Archives and Special Collections staff before being accepted into the collection. The Archives and Special Collections staff reserves the right to reject any submission that is deemed inappropriate, that falls outside the scope of this project, or that is not original content. 

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at 

What to Submit

We're looking for a wide variety of items! We want anything that's related to your experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic. Some examples of what you can submit are photos, written responses, videos/vlogs, audio recordings, oral histories, social media posts, emails, text messages, artwork, poetry or prose, scrapbooks, and journals or diaries. 

Bottle of cold brew from Church Alley with a note reading "stay well! we miss you!"The content can include anything from photos of long lines at grocery stores, screenshots of text messages you've sent discussing the pandemic, a vlog of your new routine for getting work done at home, a Word document discussing the steps you take before leaving home, and even memes you've made about the pandemic. It can also include photographs of your work-from-home setup, daily observations/frustrations, hopes and fears for the future, what it was like to move out of the dorms, or what it was like to transition courses to fully online. What you submit is entirely up to you! We want to document all aspects of life during COVID-19,  so submit anything you're comfortable sharing. 

Please refrain, however, from including personal health information or identifying information about the health of others. 

We're only accepting digital materials at this time, but be sure to hold onto any physical items you collect. We'll be accepting physical materials in addition to digital ones once the campus reopens.


Health and Safety Guidelines 

Above all else, your health and the health of those around you are of the utmost importance. Remember to adhere to local, state, and national guidelines about social distancing and performing activities in public. 

Here are a variety of resources you can refer to: 

Xavier University of Louisiana COVID-19 Updates

Xavier University of Louisiana's Center for Health and Wellness Website

NOLA Ready Website

Louisiana Department of Health COVID-19 Website

Center for Disease Control and Prevention's COVID-19 Information