Journal of Undergraduate Research
- JUR is a peer-reviewed, undergraduate journal registered with the Library of Congress that accepts submissions of any subject, from any undergraduate institution. We receive hundreds of submissions for publication every year, from institutions ranging from small liberal arts colleges to international institutions. The review process for publication includes peer, graduate, and faculty referees, ensuring that the Journal publishes competitive material that follows the Journal’s standards for academic, creative, and passionate work.
American Journal of Undergraduate Research (AJUR)
•American Journal of Undergraduate Research (AJUR) is a national, independent, faculty peer-reviewed, open-source, quarterly, multidisciplinary student research journal, established in 2002. The journal is indexed internationally by EBSCO and Crossref, and each manuscript receives a DOI number. AJUR‘s entire content, by invitation, is archived by the United States Library of Congress. AJUR makes a unique contribution because of the high standards for content, faculty peer-review process, and the ease of accessibility to students, the public, and professionals. It accepts submissions from outside the United States, provided the submissions would be of broad interest to US and international readers.
Butler Journal of Undergraduate Research
•This journal publishes scholarly research undertaken by undergraduates from any college or university across the humanities, social, and natural sciences.
Council on Undergraduate Research
•Undergraduate Research Highlights
•Undergraduate Research Highlights (URH) briefly describe peer-reviewed research or scholarly work that has appeared in academic journals, book and book chapters, web-based publications, and juried performances. These publications must be in print, must be from the past six months, and must include one or more undergraduate coauthors.