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Academic Publishing


Looking for a place to publish your work can be overwhelming. Not only do you have to find somewhere that matches your needs, but you want to make sure you are publishing in a reputable, well-respected publication that won't take advantage of you and your work. 

Quality Control

  1. Articles are indexed in subject-related research databases and/or services.
  2. The journal is clear about the type of peer review it uses.
  3. The Editor/Editorial board are recognized experts in the field
  4. They mention the journal on their own websites.
  5. The scope of the journal is well-defined and clearly stated.
  6. Consequently, articles are within the scope and meet the standards of the discipline.
  7. The journal record provides lots of info including whether it is refereed (peer-reviewed) as well as a link to the journal website.
  8. Articles have DOIs (Digital Object identifiers)
  9. For Open Access journals, the journal clearly indicates rights for use and re-use of articles at the article level (for instance, Creative Commons license)