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Xavier University of Louisiana Library

Library/Archives Exhibits


The Xavier University of Louisiana Library provides exhibit and display areas consistent with its mission, programs, and services. The Library develops exhibits and displays on a regular basis to promote the use of its collection and to highlight its diversity; to bring attention to special or under-used aspects of the collection; to make it easy to find information on topics of current issue; to celebrate special occasions; to encourage individuals to contribute to the expansion of knowledge; to support intellectual and creative growth. Not-for-profit groups and individuals may use the Library’s exhibit and display areas for educational, artistic, or cultural materials in accordance with the following provisions.

General Principles & Purpose

The purpose of library exhibits and displays is to contribute to the intellectual and cultural environment of the University Library and the greater university community. Display of artworks, posters, material culture, student works, and other visual resources make an important contribution to providing a welcoming and appealing facilities. Such works also extend the Libraries' instructional, developmental, and outreach programs.

Library Display Committee

The Library Display Committee reviews Library Display Applications, coordinates, and manages display spaces. In addition to application review, the committee markets, curates, and project plans library displays. The Committee is lead by student representatives and managed by faculty advisors within the library. 

Students representatives are from any major and have a dedicated interest in cultural preservation, learning about exhibits, and outreach. If interested in the student representative role, please contact

Types of Displays

  • Works of arts, crafts, literature, or other cultural expression from community groups or organizations, students, professional artists and crafts-people, with an emphasis on those from New Orleans and the surrounding communities.
  • Historical or other artifacts that are educational or may otherwise complement the collections of the library.
  • Informational material from town and state agencies, schools and non-profit organizations that may wish to publicize their organization or activities.
  • All displays must meet existing State and Federal laws on obscenity, libel, defamation of character, and invasion of privacy.

For All Library Exhibitions, Please Contact Us: