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Source Management

It is vital to keep track of the sources you find, but one of the things many students fail to do well. There are several tools available to keep track of the sources you read, your notes about those sources, and easily create a bibliography from your selected sources.  Some things to consider when choosing what works for you are your comfort with downloading and installing things, whether you are using a personal device for all your work, what you will be creating in the end, and your note-taking needs. 

Management Solutions

One of the easiest, low-key ways is a simple research log. Included here is a blank table you can copy and paste into a document, as well as an example of one filled out.


Adapted from Writing Guide with Handbook
     What it says How it relates What I think
Date: Permalink: 
How I found it:  


What it says How it relates What I think
"Despite fearing for their reputations because of their sexually provocative cheerleading routines, every cheerleader I interviewed was... proud of the squad’s technique, and committed to cheering." Cheerleaders are athletes who want to showcase skill and technique in a non-seductive way. Cheer coaches should make conscious decisions about routines that highlight skill and athleticism and not include dance that reduces the athlete to a sexual object. 
Source/Citation: Johnson, Chelsea Mary Elise. “‘Just Because I Dance Like a Ho I’m Not a Ho’: Cheerleading at the Intersection of Race, Class, and Gender.” Sociology of Sport Journal, vol. 32, no. 4, Dec. 2015, pp. 377–94. EBSCOhost,
Date: 8/9/22 Permalink:,sso&db=sih&AN=113169505&site=ehost-live&custid=s8993175
How I found it: I went to SocIndex and typed in cheerlead*

No personal device?

If you are unable to download the software to your personal device, you still have options available to you. You can add an item on the web version using a unique identifier such as the URL, DOI, or ISBN (in both Zotero and Mendeley) or you can import the .ris file (Mendeley only).

Browser extensions provide additional functionality to your web browser. The extensions for Zotero & Mendeley are not standalone products. However, the extensions do make it really easy to pull citation information from a page on the web. As always, you will need to review the information being imported for accuracy. 





With all pre-made citations, you will need to double-check them for accuracy. A common error is when something is mistyped in a title, it will be misspelled or in all caps in your citation. Remember that your citations are part of your academic integrity, and you don't want to leave that wholly up to an algorithm.