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Getting Started with ArcGIS StoryMaps

Design Considerations

These resources can help you start your StoryMap from Scratch. They'll help you outline your StoryMap, locate what data you'll need, and a host of other relevant considerations, such as making your StoryMap accessible.

Accessibility Considerations

When communicating visual data, it's critical to consider how people who use assistance devices (such as screen readers), translation tools, and other accessibility needs will engage with your research. Here are a few guidelines, taken from the Environmental Protection Agency's guidelines:

  • Consider color and contrast
  • Choose context-appropriate basemaps
  • Enable flexible sorting
  • Embed alternative text
  • Provide text equivalent of information

These general guidelines will help you ensure that your design is also in alignment with WCAG recommendations for web designs.

From Esri: Getting Started with Accessible StoryMaps