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Faculty Research Support


Academic Publishing

This guide aims to assist you as you pursue publishing your academic work. While this guide is not comprehensive, it will help point you toward resources that will help you get your work published in the place that is most appropriate for your work and discipline.


Scopus is a citation and abstract database of peer-reviewed literature that can be used to determine the impact of specific authors, articles/documents, and journals. It contains records in the areas of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, arts, and humanities. With comprehensive content coverage, high-quality data, and precise search and analytical tools, Scopus gives researchers, librarians, research managers, and R&D professionals the insights to drive better decisions, actions, and outcomes.

Open Access Agreements

Springer Nature Read & Publish Agreement

XULA Library has joined the Springer Nature Read & Publish Agreement with Lyrasis, meaning that if the corresponding author is affiliated with XULA, you are eligible to publish articles open access with fees covered in eligible journalsacross the Springer Nature portfolio.